Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Space Jam: A New Legacy


Well, I just watched Space Jam A New legacy for the very first time.

I think we all know it will never be better then the original one with Michael Jordan from 1996 but I do feel this one had a very good message and teaching through which is let your kids be kids and don't push them to be exactly like you or push them to hard.

I thought the movie was alot better then it was going to be it had me laughing throughout most of the movie so I throughly enjoyed it and this would be a movie I would watch once every now and again. 

I also really liked the digital aspect of the movie which was really cool.

As far as the characters I think Don cheadle played the server guy really well and was good and the players they picked for the goon squad was amazing also.

So as I close I would rate this movie A 7.5 out of 10 as I said earlier I would watch this every now and again when I have the chance

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Murder House


I just want to say to start off that this is my first ever book review.

I actually finished this book way back at the end of February and meant to review it sooner so that's my fault.

But now for the book in itself it is a very good read and the one thing I like about James Patterson as we all know is his chapters are really short which I really like because I am not someone who reads that fast and this really helped me read the book atareally good pace for when I had time to read,

I feel like the book in the first 25-50 chapters it starts off really slow and then it picks up more toward the end of the book that's just how I read it but it was well detailed in each chapter even when it feltslow in my opinion. The characters are well done also especially as the story gets better and I loved that and that's when I could not put the book down. So in conclusion I would read this book again and I would give it an 8 out of 10 and would recommend it to anyone especially people who like James Patterson books.

If you also want to follow along on what I'm reading check out my Goodreads.

Is it really a Dream World?


As I will mention first I am not really a lover of coca cola products except maybe sprite as I prefer everything Pepsi but I got this in a mini 12 pack for free at a food pantry I went to recently so I figured I would try it out as I got it for free and did not want to waste it. 

But first off what is coca cola thinking with all these weird names for their pops? I gotta say its weird and not a good marketing ploy but that's just my opinion and now back to the pop and as you can see this is the zero sugar version and as I went to drink it I got a rush of likeable citrusy mango flavor that was really nice and it was not too overpowering but you can definitely tell this is the Zero sugar version is apparent maybe I need to try the sugar version to compare maybe? But for what this is I would give it a 7.5 out of 10 and may get it again.

It´s Prime Time

As we all know Prime is one of the most popular drinks at the moment and it is really hard to find also so when I was doing my monthly shop back in March I finally saw it and thought that I would give it a try because who knows when I would see it again.

As you can tell by the flavor that I decided to try I decided to try icy pop and when I saw the bottle it made me think of those Bomb Pops from the ice cream trucks from when I was growing up and when I tasted it that's what it tasted like but just melted down into like a Gatorade consistency drink it was good and I would probably give it like a 7 out of 10 but I would probably never buy it again and me personally I think I will just stick with Gatorade and/or Powerade because even though it was really good I thought it had a weird aftertaste so I would give it a would recommend but I would never buy it again.