Sunday, January 22, 2023

2023 Goals

I know I am late to making this post but better late than never right?

This will be my annual yearly goals post and where I go into more detail on each goal.

I have set a few more goals then I usually do because  I wanna be transparent and also have long term goals and short term goals and I think I have 11 goals for the year so far so fair warning this will be a long post but thanks  for being here and reading this and the goals are in no particular order so lets get into it.

1.) To be organized
The reason this is a goal for the years because I am not a very organized person when it comes to anything I am actually a very messy person and I want to work on knowing where stuff is or when I have certain appointments and I feel if I was more organized I would hold myself accountable.

2.) Be less cluttered
This is a goal for to feel more clean and the idea for this goal is like to clean my apartment before I go to bed so I wake up to a less cluttered apartment in the morning no matter how clean or dirty the apartment is and I also feel this goal goes along with number one in being more organized.

3.) Walk 25,000 to 50,000 steps a month for the whole year and this goal is self-explanatory it will lead into goal number five and number nine.

4.) This goal is self-explanatory and I have this on my list every year and that is quit smoking but nothing ever ends up working and I just keep putting it on my list every year but I feel like this could be the year hopefully where I finally stopped smoking.

5.) This goal is also self-explanatory and is also on my list every year in that goal is to lose weight as I said before goal number three coincides with this one as it gets me out for exercise and I also want to lose weight because I will be turning 40 at the end of this year and I want to be around for my nieces and nephews and they are what the motivation is and with this goal I'm going to take it one day at a time.

6.) This goal is just to drink more water and this one is self-explanatory.

7.) To be positive at all times 
I know this goal may seem farfetched but I feel I need to learn how to be positive at all times no matter what life throws at me and the curve balls I get with life because we only have one life to live and need to live it to the fullest and can't live life angry

8 ) Work on Mental Health 
This is the goal I have paid the least attention to over the past 4 or 5 years and it is time I start working on myself and my mental health and taking it seriously my mental health is also why I want to try to become more positive all the time no matter what life throws at me.

9.) Get out and Explore More
I decided to make this a goal for this year because I have not really gone out over the last 2 or 3 years even for walks and I want to get out to explore more because it would be good for my mental health it would also help me get steps in to help me lose weight which are three of my other goals for the year and it's also good thinking space and it's good for fresh air.

10.) Return to Church
I made this a goal because I do want to return the church and make my relationship with Jesus Christ even closer and I have not been to church in about 3 years.

11.) Read some Books 
Out of this whole list this is probably the most far-fetched goal I have for this year but I feel like I should put it on here because I feel I could read some books that can help me with all my goals on this list and maybe I will keep track of them as well on like Goodreads or something

These are all of my current goals for the moment but if I think of any more I will make another post in the future with those goals and I know I did not list it on here but I will also try to start posting a lot more here as I do like blogging because I do find it very therapeutic and I feel I can definitely express myself a lot better when I write or type something down so I want to thank everybody for taking the time to read this and I'm sorry that this post is very long and I will see you all in the next post.


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